March 19th, 2024 🧠 Elon 🤝 Open source

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Hey folks! It’s Tuesday, and you know what that means. It’s time for the latest edition of Deeper Learning.

In today’s digest:

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Grok is jumping on the open-source AI trend

Remember Grok? Elon’s more sassy, Hitchhiker’s Guide-inspired alternative to OpenAI. Launched back in 2023 by xAI, Grok stood out from the AI crowd with features like access to real-time information via X (formerly Twitter) and a distinct lack of political correctness. 

It was all quiet on the xAI front until March 11th, when Elon Musk announced the team will open source Grok. Fast forward to today, and the company has fulfilled that promise by posting an open release of Grok-1 on GitHub, allowing researchers and developers more freedom to build on the platform and influence its direction. 

The details

According to a company blog post, the open release includes the “base model weights and network architecture” of the “314 billion parameter Mixture-of-Experts model, Grok-1.” It continues on to say that Grok-1 hasn’t undergone any fine-tuning training for any specific applications like conversational assistants. 

The big trend

Grok joins a growing number of AI models that have made the leap to open-source, including Meta’s LLaMa and Mistral. Google has even launched a suite of open-source sister models to Gemini.


Nvidia just announced its most powerful AI chip yet

Nvidia is one of the standout companies that’s riding the AI wave to untold levels of success, even surpassing both Alphabet (Google) and Amazon at one point thanks in large part to its AI chip manufacturing efforts.

Now, the company plans to cement its lead even further — with its new B200 and GB200 “superchips.“

Announced at an event yesterday dubbed the “AI Woodstock,“ the new chips can offer up to 20 petaflops of FP4 horsepower from its 208 billion transistors.

What does all that mean? Well, it’s a lot of tech speak to say these chips are really powerful. How powerful? According to Nvidia, training a 1.8 trillion parameter model on the company’s previous line of chips would have taken 10,000 GPUs and 15 megawatts of power. Swap out the old for the new, and that reduces to 2,000 GPUs and just 4 megawatts of power.


Never do another interview again

Let’s be honest. I don’t like doing interviews, and I’d wager a bet that you don’t either. Knowing that the chance to land your dream job hangs in the balance of you performing well over a thirty-minute call can be anxiety-inducing to say the least.

Why not get AI to do it for you? That’s what the CEO of AIApply, Aidan Cramer, thought also, and got to work building an AI-powered interview clone. Check out the demo he shared yesterday.


Bluedot uses AI to craft follow-up emails for your meetings automatically.

16x Prompt is a more streamlined ChatGPT for coding

TaxGPT is an AI tool for calculating and filing your taxes.

Blogmatic uses AI writers to put your writing and publishing on autopilot.

Synthflow lets you create human-like AI agents without writing code.

Bytebot uses AI to streamline web scraping and automation scripts. 

MidReal lets you generate interactive stories in no time with AI


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